Mari Frengstad
Nutritional Therapist
Imagine a Dandelion as it defies the asphalt and says ”Hi”. How does it have such power? Its because its a sprout, full of oomph! So why not add sprouts to bread?
Sprouts are not just a trend. Sprouts are nutrition.
Gluten-free is not a trend either says the nutritional therapist Mari frengstad.
I see how people thrive when they cut out gluten, even those who have not tested positive for intolerance or celiac disease she says.
Bread. It used to be so simple. You bought a whole wheat bread.
These days the flour is manipulated to speed up the proofing. A lot of bread are «pumped» with gluten. As much bread as possible for as little money as possible.
So what should your focus be standing at the bread shelf?
Think nutrition! Think more fat, less carbohydrates! Think less starch! Think balance!
Chia seeds in bread
Seeds and sprouts, Mari says
Such as sunflower, pumpkin, chia…
Because seeds provide nutrition.
Chia seeds has essential fatty acids needed by the body. Fat provides long-lasting energy – you stay full for hours.
Moreover, chia seeds hold on to fluid thus keeping the body hydrated and moist.
I rarely meet people who drink enough fluids, Mari says.
When she is baking bread herself? She adds sprouts and seeds!
Vague symptoms from gluten
Diarrhea, bloating, depression and anxiety, brain fog, being overweight...
There is a number of reasons to reduce gluten and carbohydrates according to Mari. A lot of bread has a high starch content.
Starch is just one molecule away from sugar.
Many think they have to settle living with joint pains, abdominal pain and poor digestion is Mari´s experience.
Adjust your diet based on your own challenges. If you sense signs of gluten sensitivity – take it seriously. Gluten can cause many unclear symptoms.
Try gluten-free
If you suspect being sensitive to gluten, talk to your GP about it or reach out to a nutritionist.
Secondly Mari advices you to go 100% gluten-free for at least 6 weeks to check if you feel better without gluten.
Maybe you can feel it on your mood, weight, your skin, eczema or your stomach.
A number of autoimmune diseases are associated with gluten.
The effect on the brain is what surprises me the most in my clients when they go gluten-free. They become happier, have a better attentiveness – as if the fog clears. That gluten affects the brain is a well known fact , Mari Frengstad says.
What to look for when choosing your bread
Nutrition in form of sprouts and seeds. Because it´s building blocks and energy.
As much fat and protein as possible.
The least amount of starch, it resembles sugar.
The least amount of refined carbohydrates such as rice flour and corn flour.
Because these can cause your blood sugar to rise.
Large fluctuations affects fat storage, energy and cause inflammation.
More or less all modern diseases start with a «silent» inflammation.
This means an inflammation below the CRP (and perceivable pain) threshholds.
Ask the GP about a micro-CRP referral.
How about crispbread, it´s so healthy?
Well… A bread doesnt get healthier by dehydrating it...
Should you avoid gluten? Symptoms of intolerance/allergy/sensitivity
Constipation/gas/abdominal pain
Iron- and vitamin deficiency
Not being satisfied/brain fog/amnesia/difficulty concentrating
Chia bread
Gluten- egg- and milk-free – Vegan. Free from soy and lupins.
The Chia bread is a moist and good bread. The bread is made with naturally gluten-free flour and contains several nutritious ingredients, such as chia and naturally occuring vitamin D.
3 slices of bread covers 50% of the recommended daily intake of vitamin D and magnesium.
3 slices of bread covers 46% of the recommended daily intake of calcium.
Low FODmap, gutfriendly.
High in calcium, vitamin D, magnesium and fiber.
Sprout bread
Gluten- egg- and milk-free – Vegan. Free from soy and lupins.
The sprout-bread is a moist bread made with naturally gluten-free flour and seeds.
High in fiber, manganese, copper and phosphorus.
Source of magnesium and zinc.